Realms of chaos slaves to darkness album
Realms of chaos slaves to darkness album

realms of chaos slaves to darkness album

Millions of Bloodbound, Slaves to Darkness, and daemons of the Blood God infested the Dreadhold fortresses. Before her, the osseous immensity of the Godskull Mesa stretched away, studded with towering brass fortifications and thundering volcanoes.

realms of chaos slaves to darkness album

Īt the Everqueen’s side marched clan upon clan of sylvaneth from many of the great glades. That changed as Alarielle lead an unstoppable tide of sylvaneth out across the massive brass rune branded upon the skull-shaped mesa’s forehead. Long had they used that smouldering portal to raid the wilds of Ghyran, but never had enemies come back through it to challenge them. When the Hellhaze Realmgate blazed to life atop Godskull Mesa, it caught the worshippers of Khorne there by surprise. Those who had brought Alarielle to her knees would be sorry that they had, for in doing so they had inadvertently raised her higher than ever, and this time she would show them no mercy. Alarielle was angry in a way that only a deity can be, and she sought to venther frustrations and shame upon her enemies. Countless seasons of war had come and gone for Alarielle, but never before had they followed such a time of humbling, relentless defeat. It also gave her a strength and determination that none of her previous incarnations had ever quite matched. It was this revelation that led Alarielle through the Ghyran Realmgate known as the Copper Falls – which connected to the Hellhaze Realmgate in Aqshy – and into battle atop Godskull Mesa. The corruption of the Dark Gods must be purged utterly from all the Mortal Realms, lest they all be brought to ruin. The goddess now saw that the war against Chaos could not be won simply by reclaiming Ghyran. Īlarielle’s reblooming gave her a perspective that her waning self had lacked. The only match for the courage she instils in her allies is the hatred she feels for her foes – Alarielle the Everqueen burns with a fierce need for vengeance, and her enemies would do well to run. She scatters soul amphorae across the Mortal Realms, each containing magical pollens that can coax new sylvaneth from the ground, or choke her enemies.

realms of chaos slaves to darkness album

She is the goddess of life magic where she treads, atop her immense wardroth beetle, new blooms scream forth in a riot of colour, strength and passion. Reborn from the land she loved in a soaring crescendo of hope, fury, loss and exhilaration, Alarielle the Everqueen is an ancient and powerful being. With the forces of Order working as one, a new dawn may yet rise upon the Jade Kingdoms – an era that sees Chaos banished from her realm. She is already working her life-giving magics to aid those who fight in the realm’s cause. The seeds of her vengeance are sown, awaiting the light that will see them grow to deadly fruition once more. Alarielle’s mournful introspection has availed her little even the roots she has put down into her last haven have proved brittle and dry. Most of the Jade Kingdoms have been stolen from Alarielle’s guardianship by the rapacious armies of the Dark Gods. In these times of strife, it is these latter images that ring truest of all. The last tableaus, wiry and barren, show a weeping goddess curled in her private kingdoms, sealed away in a paradise besieged on all sides by scenes of anarchy and destruction. Later Alarielle is shown as a plant queen surrounded by a court of glowing tree-spirits, then as a wandering nymph distributing soulpods throughout the Mortal Realms. Those who walk the living branch-tapestries of Oyrha first see the barbarian king Sigmar waking Alarielle from a long hibernation, winning her gratitude, and the two hurling back a tide of darkness. Some mortal seers say Alarielle was born from the humblest of beginnings, others that she has always existed, but in Ghyran, the first depictions of her bounty date back to the Age of Myth. It is her children that raise the greatest life forms to maturity, that fashion beautiful worldscapes from the simplest seeds, and that sing the songs of paradise as the great cycles wind ever on. She is the nurturer of worlds, the mother of all life, who brings the endless potential of nature to glorious fruition. Alarielle has existed in one guise or another for aeons.

Realms of chaos slaves to darkness album